Email Marketing Services

Reach Your Target Audience Directly With the Right Content

Approximately 3.9 billion people worldwide use email every day for communication, and no other platform comes close to having this number of daily active users. Are you leveraging the potential of email marketing in your business strategy?

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect your brand with the right customers at the right moment and increase your sales. Enlist Thrive Internet Marketing Agency’s goal-driven email marketing services and let us set up an email campaign that fits your business objectives perfectly.

What Is Email Marketing?

Build a Loyal Community Around Your Brand


When it comes to generating and converting leads, there isn’t a more powerful digital marketing tactic than email marketing.

Studies show that despite the growth and prominence of mobile messengers and chat applications, nearly 61 percent of consumers prefer facilitated brand interactions via email – and this preference extends across genders and age groups.

The widespread usage and increasing global relevance of email make email marketing more critical than ever before.

What is email marketing? Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy used by thousands of businesses worldwide to create brand recognition, drive sales and build client relationships.

Email marketing companies leverage different email service providers (ESPs) to send out automated, personalized marketing emails that contain brand promotions and announcements. Anything from weekly email newsletters and promo alerts to customer survey forms and event invitations can be considered a form of email marketing.

Globally, a whopping 87 percent of business-to-business (B2B) marketers and 79 percent of business-to-consumer (B2C) advertisers use email as a content distribution channel. Are you taking full advantage of email marketing services to grow and promote your business? How does your email marketing campaign fare in this competitive digital landscape?

Begin your email marketing planning today and discover the most effective email marketing strategy to move your email contacts down your sales funnel.

Let Thrive Manage Your Email Marketing Optimization

Failure to understand what is email marketing and how to maximize email campaigns for B2B and B2C transactions can result in uncoordinated promotion strategies, low customer volume and significant business decline.

Don’t let this be the case for your brand. Capitalize on conversion-focused email marketing services from the best email marketing companies and get smart with your digital marketing spending and online promotions.

Thrive Internet Marketing Agency offers a diverse range of email marketing services designed to fit your brand needs, financial capabilities and ideal market segments. Schedule a consultation with our email marketing agency and let’s discuss the importance of services in achieving your goals.

Why Email Marketing Is Important

Provide More Value to Your Customers and Deliver Big Results


The importance of email marketing in digital brand success cannot be emphasized enough. Online email marketing is one of the best marketing methods for earning business leads and delivering a high return on investment (ROI).

According to research, approximately 61 percent of email subscribers would like to receive promotional marketing emails every week and about 83 percent of customers spend more on a brand from which they’ve received web email marketing communications. Marketers also reported receiving an impressive 3,800 percent ROI or $38 for every dollar invested in an email marketing campaign.

Evidently, online email marketing presents an incredible opportunity to reach targeted customers and generate revenue growth. If you haven’t started your email marketing planning, now’s the time to consult with an email marketing specialist and sketch out how to move your business forward.

The Importance of Email Marketing

Many marketers wonder why email marketing is important when social media platforms are so widely available and social media visitors have grown exponentially over time. But here’s the thing: People still go to their emails to find special deals from the brands they are interested in. In fact, 44 percent of users check their emails for brand promotions, whereas only four percent go to social media platforms for ad campaign details.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. With the plethora of opportunities that web email marketing offers, you are closer to driving more conversions for your business.

Not yet convinced about why email marketing is important for brand growth? Here are more reasons investing in an email marketing campaign service is essential:

Build Customer Loyalty

Strong client relationships require regular brand interactions – and routine web email marketing communications with the customer make it possible for any company to generate brand loyalty while driving sales. Additionally, the cost of engaging with and marketing to an existing client using the best email campaigns is six to 12 times less expensive than other marketing channels, such as paid advertising or social media marketing. Targeted email marketing campaigns not only drive more business but also save you money.

Expand Your Business Reach

Email campaigns are proven to have better reach and potential for engagement than traditional marketing methods. Statistics show 72 percent of email users check their inboxes more than six times a day and about 92 percent of internet users have a minimum of one email account. Experienced email marketing specialists can help you reach your target audiences on any device while staying non-invasive and compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act.

Connect With Different Audiences

Hyper-personalized communication is one of the many benefits of using B2C and B2B email marketing to reach your audience. While traditional marketing methods focus on delivering a broad message to a large audience scope, marketing emails allow you to offer unique discounts and codes, personalized messages and data-driven campaigns based on criteria such as birthdays, regions and customer lifetime value (CLV). Instead of putting your effort into one campaign, you’re able to reach out to different audience segments with a personal touch.

Save Time and Effort

Email marketing for small business, franchises and multi-location firms is significantly less labor-intensive than traditional marketing. There is no postage to consider or labeling required for each campaign distributed. Targeted email marketing allow you to communicate and engage with your ideal market segments (whether it’s a few hundred or a hundred thousand) in a matter of minutes. If you don’t have the time to learn the ropes of email campaign optimization, the best email marketing companies can assist you.

Test Email Campaigns and Drive Strong Results

Online email marketing offers various ways to test and see if you’re hitting the nail on the head with your marketing efforts. You can perform A/B and multivariate testing to examine almost every component of your email campaign, from the subject line and time sent to the content within the email campaign itself. This offers valuable insights as to where you might need to revise your email marketing strategy to drive the most engagement with your email campaigns.

Track Your Analytics

Data and analytics provided by email marketing software give valuable insight into the performance of your targeted email marketing efforts and deployed campaigns. The most often reported engagement metrics are open rates, click rates and click-through rates (CTRs), bounces and conversions. Depending on your marketing goals, an experienced email marketing specialist can decode the numbers and translate them to valuable applications to better reach your audiences.

Many marketers wonder why email marketing is important when social media platforms are so widely available and social media visitors have grown exponentially over time. But here’s the thing: People still go to their emails to find special deals from the brands they are interested in. In fact, 44 percent of users check their emails for brand promotions, whereas only four percent go to social media platforms for ad campaign details.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. With the plethora of opportunities that web email marketing offers, you are closer to driving more conversions for your business.

Not yet convinced about why email marketing is important for brand growth? Here are more reasons investing in an email marketing campaign service is essential:

Email Marketing Services for Small Business

Establish Your Reputation and Improve Your Response Rates


Deciding where to invest your money isn’t a decision you should take lightly. You must ensure every penny allocated to your marketing efforts delivers an ROI or you risk losing your money and the opportunity to close more sales.

Email marketing for small business is a cost-effective way to promote your brand to specific market segments and grow your revenue. A McKinsey study revealed that email is almost 40 times more effective than Twitter and Facebook combined in attracting new customers. What’s more, according to 80 percent of industry professionals, the best email campaigns drive customer acquisition and retention.

With data-driven email marketing services for small business, you can:

  • Reach customers in real-time
  • Communicate in-depth information
  • Build credibility
  • Optimize your time and budget
  • Track your campaign results
  • Connect with more customers
  • Gain better brand recognition
  • Increase website traffic
  • Launch targeted messaging
  • Develop your unique brand

How effective is email marketing for small businesses? You’re about to find out.

Take your small business marketing to the next level with Thrive’s email marketing services for small business. Our email marketing agency offers drip marketing automation services to help you further cement your unique brand identity in your customers’ minds.

But first, discover 1) what is drip marketing and 2) how our marketing automation services can accelerate your business growth.

What Is Drip Marketing?

Boost Your Brand Engagement and Capture More Leads


On average, nearly 51 percent of companies use drip marketing automation to fuel their marketing efforts and deliver more favorable campaign results.

Drip marketing (also known as automated email marketing or drip campaigns) is an email campaign optimization technique that uses drip marketing software to send out a series of automated emails based on specific timeframes and user actions.

Automated email marketing campaigns provide ongoing value to subscribers by slowly “dripping” useful information, such as brand updates or product teasers, over time. The goal of email marketing automation is to move customers towards a final conversion point.

  • Facilitates precise email segmentation
  • Includes basic analytics, such as click rates
  • Provides better control on email copy and sending frequency
  • Boasts A/B testing capabilities
  • Links drip marketing campaigns with other tools
  • Enables email personalization
What are the different types of drip marketing campaign?

There are three major types of drip marketing for each stage of your email marketing funnel:

How effective is email marketing automation?

Marketing automation services are designed to ensure prospects and customers are motivated to continue doing business with your brand. Drip email marketing allows you to:

What are the different types of drip marketing campaign?

There are three major types of drip marketing for each stage of your email marketing funnel:

How effective is email marketing automation?

Marketing automation services are designed to ensure prospects and customers are motivated to continue doing business with your brand. Drip email marketing allows you to:

  • Nurture and convert prospects into qualified leads
  • Increase customer retention
  • Automate monotonous B2C and B2B email marketing
  • Open doors for upselling and cross-selling
  • Generate better email marketing return on investment
  • Boost customer engagement and loyalty
  • Deliver a relevant brand message
  • Capture abandoned carts

Need help with email marketing automation?

Drip email marketing is all about relevance and timing. By carefully analyzing several intent signals, including user interest, information need and other behavioral metrics, our email marketing automation agency is able to create a highly segmented drip marketing campaign that drives high open rates and click rates.

Partner with our email marketing automation agency and get a top email marketing service that diversifies your drip email marketing efforts.

Thrive’s Email Marketing Campaign Services

Brand Communication Solutions That Secure More Customers

As one of the most trusted email marketing companies in the industry, we ensure all our email campaign services fit our clients’ needs and marketing budget. Depending on your email marketing goals, we provide different targeted email marketing services.

Email Marketing Performance Audit and Strategy

s trends emerge and go, your email marketing strategy must adapt. Our email marketing company performs B2C and B2B email marketing audits to determine factors that influence your marketing success and pinpoint issues that disrupt your email marketing strategy. Our email services cover:

Campaign and Template Review

Our email marketing experts review your email templates and email campaigns from the past 12 months to get a clear picture of your email marketing performance and engagement. We look into your email design, subject line and calls-to-action (CTAs) to identify problems and inefficiencies.

Technical Review

To ensure your email newsletters and other marketing emails hit the right inboxes, our email marketing specialist reviews all technical issues with your current setup. These include your spam complaints, deliverability issues and potential domain and IP blacklisting.

Data Review

Studies show 25-33 percent of email addresses become outdated every year. To ensure you’re working with updated email lists, we set a benchmark for email metrics, review your top- and lowest-performing campaigns and analyze unsubscribes and subscriber demographics.

Program Review

This includes a review of your existing email automation, audience segmentation, email list health (growth/shrinkage) and a comprehensive email marketing strategy review. The goal is to determine the best possible way to improve your marketing results.


After completing our audit, our email marketing specialists compile and present recommendations for code and design, content and CTA. We also provide proposals on the frequency of emails sent, send day and times, automation and potential for A/B testing.

Custom Template Design and Development

Don’t have the in-house resources needed to create email marketing newsletter and drip campaign templates? As your dedicated email marketing services provider, we design, develop and deploy updated email templates that match your branding and desired user experience (UX). Our email campaign services include:

Superior Template Design

At Thrive, we believe that a great email is more than just an attractive message that hits your inbox. Our email marketing firm designs email marketing newsletter and drip campaign templates built with clean code and responsive to all email clients and screen sizes.

Installation on the ESP of Your Choice

Do you need help getting your template installed on your preferred ESP? We’ve got you covered! Our email marketing expert takes your completed design and transfers it over to your chosen ESP, so all you need to do is start sending emails.

Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing

Our email company runs each of our email newsletters and marketing email designs through multiple industry-leading tools to ensure they are well-coded, responsive and work exactly as intended. Build more emails faster with help from our email marketing firm.

Training on Custom Templates

As one of the best email marketing companies, we don’t just deliver a well-designed template. Our email marketing expert also teaches your team to use it! Each delivered template comes with a video training recording that walks you through the design and email process.

Compatibility With Top Email Clients

We work closely with your team to ensure our templates capture your unique branding, preferences and brand message. We guarantee our email templates work with 30+ email clients, devices and operating systems (OS).

Custom Template Design and Development

Thrive Internet Marketing Agency is one of the top-rated email marketing companies that offer the best email marketing service at affordable rates. But don’t just take our word for it. Discover what our clients have to say about our email marketing services.

Here are some additional benefits you get from partnering with our email marketing agency: